Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 21


Nekise’s house was on the outskirts of Camineet, right next to the gates for the spaceport.

“You’re looking for Tyrone?” asked Nekise. “Hmm. I think that he’s over in Scion, from what I’ve heard.”

“Scion, the port town?”

“Yeah — Oh, and take this, your brother left his pot with me. It’s a Laconian Pot, it’s actually quite valuable. I’m sure it’ll come in handy later.” (Obtain item LACONIAN POT)

As Nekise saw Alisa off to the front entrance, his eyes shifted to the ground.

“I wish I could be of more help…”

Alisa silently turned away and closed the door behind her.

Suddenly, a tall silvery figure was towering over her.

“You must be Alisa. You are coming with us. You are under arrest for treason.”

Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 22


“I can’t believe a serpent would be in a cold place like this… I guess that’s why they say reptiles are cold-blooded,” remarked Alisa.

“That’s not quite it,” said Tyrone.

As they were talking, the Frost Serpent jumped in to attack. Alisa dodged and the large snake crashed into the wall.

The snake let out a roar and turned around. But at that moment, Tyrone came in from above and swung his ax. Slash! The Frost Serpent’s head rolled onto the floor, its eyes still glaring at Alisa and Tyrone.

Since the road up ahead was a dead end, they decided to turn around and back track.  

Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 23


Alisa arrived in the city of Parolit, the city that is closest to her hometown of Camineet. 

While walking around the downtown residential area, Alisa was able to glean two key pieces of info: 1. Parolit’s Armory specialized in swords, and; 2. The port town of Scion is located east of here, over by the coast.

Scion…. I think Nekise had mentioned that town. That’s where he said Tyrone is. Alisa wanted to head to Scion as soon as possible, but for now, she decides to:

Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 24


“Hey, that’s not fair! The guys in brown are completely unarmed! They don’t even have short swords or anything!”

No sooner than she had spoke, Alisa rushed in. Tyrone and Myau were not far behind.

Group of Blue-robed natives: 15 + BATTLE P (1-H)

Alisa & Party: COMBAT P + BATTLE P (2-I)

Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 25


Alisa walked to the Tool Shop that the man had mentioned earlier. She mentioned the name of the bearded man she had helped in the city of Parolit, and the store manager immediately produced a Road Pass to get past the Imperial Blockade. And for free, too!

“Hooray! ♡” exclaimed Alisa. “Now that we have this, we have access to use the Spaceport!” (Obtain item ROAD PASS)

Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 27


<Heh heh heh… Where to start eating from first? The top party looks tasty, but so does her bottom…>

The Manticore made a leap for her! A panicked Alisa raised her sword up to protect herself.

Gash! The point of the sword sliced perfectly through the beast’s forehead.

“Wow. He looked big, and he talked big, but that was it.” (+2 COMBAT P, +1 MAGIC P)

Alisa left and made her way to the black-haired Kuny Noone’s Shop.

Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 28


“What! You didn’t bring anything sweet?! In that case, you may not pass!”

“Huh? So what if we didn’t, we already went through all the trouble of coming here! Fine, if that’s how it is then I guess we’ll just force our way in!

Robot Guard: 9 + BATTLE P (1-G)

Alisa & Party: COMBAT P + BATTLE P (2-A)

Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 29


(It’s time to sink or swim!) Putting all of her fighting spirit into it, Alisa started slashing.

However, her sword passed straight through the monster, which absorbed it.

“The sword is no good!”

It wasn’t just the sword that was swallowed. Alisa’s body was sucked into the Nightmare in the same way…

Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 30


The bloodshot cyclops Devil Bat came nose diving right for Alisa!

If Alisa looked flustered, it was only for a brief moment. Despite her appearance, she expertly drew her sword and coolly sliced off the wings of the Devil Bat.

The pinioned monster, now reduced to being only an eyeball, came tumbling down from the sky, landing in the heart of the forest. (1 COMBAT P, +1 MAGIC P, +10 MESETA)

Continuing along, Alisa soon came to the edge of the forest. Apparently the forest was smaller than she had thought.